LET'S TALK: 214-676-5768​

What is Mobile Fingerprinting?
Today, mobile fingerprinting has become more important than ever. Mobile fingerprinting allows you convenience and saves you valuable time. Unlike other live scans, this is ink-based where the technician manually captures fingerprints on to the required FD-258 card. This process allows on-the-beat background checks for licensing, permits, employment or investigations and so much more.
Mobile fingerprinting is a valuable service for anyone who might find it difficult to leave their location during their work day. Hence, mobile fingerprinting has become more popular in helping clients have more flexibility and is filling that need. After an appointment is scheduled our technician will arrive on-time to make the process go as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Before getting fingerprinted
Drink extra water. Hydration matters. ...
Don't use lotion right before. Another thing – moisturizing isn't the same as hydrating. ...
Don't use hand sanitizer! ...
Use special fingertip moistener – but only a little. ...
Warm or cool your fingers. ...
Rub your fingers on your clothing. ...
7. Lighten your touch. ...
Should you wash hands before fingerprinting?
Smokers, especially, should wash their hands with soap and water before being printed. Also, be sure your fingers are free of paint, glue, dirt, nail polish, etc.
Let the Fingerprint Technician roll your fingers.
Relax your shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers. If you’re tense it makes it a lot harder for the Fingerprint Technician to get your prints.
Bring your completed Application form, if you have one. We have cards available.
Print your name, address, and phone number neatly on the fingerprint card, including height, weight, race, etc. A signature is also required: cards will not be accepted if a signature is not present. Write your height as __’__”.
Make an appointment.
Use your legal name, the name on your ID. Bring a valid state or federal government issued identification with your photo, like a current unexpired state drivers license.
If your fingers are overly sweaty or overly dry, you will have problems being printed. If either are a common problem, bring a wet-nap, alcohol swabs or baby wipes.
Relax your shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands and fingers during the fingerprinting process. If you’re tense it makes it a lot harder for the Fingerprint Technician to get your prints.
Let the Fingerprint Technician roll your fingers.
Smokers should wash their hands with soap and water before being printed.
Be sure your fingers are free of paint, glue, dirt, nail polish, etc.
If you have been fingerprinted before and have had problems with unreadable prints, make sure to tell the technician.
_ Press. Let the Fingerprint Technician decide how much pressure is needed.
_ Move your fingers. Let the Fingerprint Technician roll your fingers.
_ Arch your fingers. Your fingers should lay flat
_ Curl up the rest of your hand when the Fingerprint Technician is printing your thumbs.
_ Apply hand lotion. Avoid sun-screen, creams, balms, ointment or liniment the day your are scheduled.
_ Worry about any hand or finger deformities. Most professional Fingerprint Technicians have seen and printed a vast variety of different fingers.